esmaspäev, 2. jaanuar 2012

Kes oled Sina?

Minu õppematerjalide hulgas on ka selline tsitaat:

"There are three kinds of human personality types in this world:
1)individualistic human (3% of the world population)
2)manipulative human (3% of the world population)
3)mass human (94% of the world population)
#1 & #2 type of personalities are intelligent, creative and self-aware. They have chosen bit different paths paths. #3 type of personalities are less intelligent and less creative, weak-minded people controlled by #2 type of personalities. The percentages are only estimations though but are based on Gaussian distribution and history of human race and how humans have organized into societies."

Nii on arvanud P.E. Auvinen. Ta tappis 2007. aastal Soomes koolitulistamise käigus 9 inimest.
Tema klassikaaslased ja õpetajad teadsid tema mõtetest ja vihast inimeste vastu, kuid pidasid neid naljaks või eriliseks. Keegi ei muretsenud.
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